Saturday, October 15, 2005


Sorry I didn't post a box office predict last week; I was busy.

The Fog for number 1 this weekend.

Anyway, for a real post, I saw Waiting... yesterday. Very funny flick, though admittedly dumb, crude, and juvenile humor. If that sort of thing happens to be up your alley, go see it; if not, stay home and organize your DVD collection :-P. More to the point though, from a business point of view, Waiting... shows the direction that I think Hollywood should be taking. It opened at number 7 last weekend when it opened, with 6.2 million, and that was double what it cost to make and advertise. If it does absolutely horribly, it will make another $5 million on top of that, and it will almost undoubtedly do much better than that. In fact, I will go out on a limb and predict that it moves up on the box office chart this weekend, mainly because it has good word of mouth, even though critics hated it. Anyway, my point is, Hollywood is spending $100 million on individual movies. For a movie like that to make back its budget, it has to be a huge hit. I suspect that eventually Hollywood will realize its best bet is to go for cheaper pictures that don't have to be massive hits to earn any money at all. Waiting... is an extremely example of this sort of thing, but I suspect we'll see more films like it in the future.